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April 05, 2004

Writing Without a Net

by Ron Hogan

George Pelecanos fills Robert Birnbaum in on the origins of Hard Revolution:

I got to the story by writing those three contemporary [Derek] Strange novels. The more I wrote about him, the more clues I dropped into those books about his past. I was trying to find out for myself where it was going to go. When I finished Soul Circus, I had a pretty good idea because I had worked that drug lord Randall Oliver for two books into the narrative and I knew that everything was going to hinge on the people that came before him – who were going to connect to Strange. It’s all an accident. I didn’t plan anything.


Three comments:

1. I'd never read Pelecanos, but I started Right as Rain yesterday. For some reason, it's not immediately hooking me, but I'll give it a couple dozen more pages.

2. I need to pay closer attention to Birnbaum's interviews. He seems to catch people I'm already interested in anyway. His interview with Brian Greene was great.

3. Why the hell haven't I watched The Wire yet? I've got HBO, for Pete's sake.

Posted by: Dietsch at April 6, 2004 11:01 AM
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