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April 15, 2004

Maslin Watch: I Love Paris in the Springtime

by Ron Hogan

Is Janet on a once-a-week schedule these days? We missed her Monday, but today she reviews the Library of America's new Paris-themed anthology, assembled by Adam Gopnik. I can't particularly blame her for relying so heavily on quotations this time around, because a book like this seems to cry out to be quoted.


I read Gopnik's introductory essay which was reprinted in American Scholar. I know he's a much-maligned figure here in the 'sphere - often for good reasons; pompous, long-winded, self-importance - which is why is he a perfect match to write about things French. In that regard - Paris being my beloved spiritual home - I have to say that I enjoyed his introduction and it was sufficient to add the book to my "To Buy" pile. But then, Lauren Weisberger could write about Paris and I'd probably read it ...

Posted by: Mark at April 16, 2004 01:38 PM
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