introducing readers to writers since 1995

June 09, 2004

Maybe When I Get a Book Deal,
Gary Indiana Can Write About Me

by Ron Hogan

Jeanette Winterson weighs in on the controversy surrounded the book deal awarded to sexblogger Belle de Jour. She gets right away what makes the blog so entertaining:

Belle is a natural-born blogger; her style is witty and compact, with the right mixture of intimacy and disassociation. We feel we know her, yet we don't know her at all - doubly so, if she turns out to be a fake.

Oh, I'm sure you'd love a link to her site, wouldn't you? HA! It's so NSFW... Not sure if this is Winterson's goof or some editor's, by the way, but this article says The Times identified Belle as one "Sarah Chambers," but in reality the paper made the claim about Sarah Champion.


No, not Sarah Champion, but me, EDWARD Champion. I've been trying to tell the world that the answer lies right underneath their nose. But they seem to be hassilng the wrong people. I titter in their general direction!

Posted by: Ed at June 9, 2004 10:19 AM
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