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September 07, 2004

O'Rourke on McCarry, Fry on Wodehouse

by Ron Hogan

P.J. O'Rourke calls Charles McCarry, whose praises I've sung a few times here and there in this blog, "the best modern writer on the subject of intrigue--by the breadth of Alan Furst, by the fathom of Eric Ambler, by any measure." He also reveals his explanation for "why McCarry has never achieved the popularity of John LeCarré, the author to whom he is most often compared."

McCarry has LeCarré's interest in ethical complexities and the tart style of LeCarré's early work. But, unlike John LeCarré, Charles McCarry knows right from wrong. His theme is never that the other side is just like our side except on the other side. McCarry's plots turn on the search for truth. The author and his heroes aren't in doubt about what the truth is: Good is good, and bad is bad.

Meanwhile, in the Guardian, Stephen Fry whets my appetite for Robert McCrum's bio of P.G. Wodehouse, soon to appear in the U.S. "No lover of Wodehouse will want to be without this masterly appraisal of the good life of a good man," Fry writes. "Who happened to be a very, very great writer indeed."


and there's this tribute to copyeditors by Wodehouse (scroll down a little)

Posted by: bd at September 7, 2004 06:22 PM

Wodehouse - excellent, excellent writer, but also (very disappointingly) gave Nazi Germany a prpoagada coup by giving five broadcasts from Berlin. Shame on him!


Posted by: amanda at September 9, 2004 02:53 PM

A subject apparently amply covered in the new biography, according to all press accounts (I'm waiting for my copy just now). Still, I have to love this one quote in your linked story from the British ambassador to the States in the late '60s, advising against a Wodehouse knighthood:

"The award of this high honour to him now would revive the controversy over his wartime behaviour and would give currency to the Bertie Wooster image of the British character which we are doing our best to eradicate."

Because Lord knows we here in America all thought the Brits were a pack of Bertie Woosters.

Posted by: editor at September 9, 2004 03:01 PM
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