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September 25, 2004
Stephen Fry Doesn't Have a Book Out, But I Think He's Just Swell
by Ron HoganAnd he is promoting a film based on an Evelyn Waugh novel, after all. In which regard Fry chatswith The A.V. Club about Waugh's fiction:
That's what you get in Waugh which is so shocking—you don't get the distribution of reward and punishment that you expect of a novel. Good characters in Evelyn Waugh are constantly being shat upon by fate for nothing to do with their own inner faults. We expect the villain or the hero to have made a choice, and for their fate to be accorded because of that. And what you get in Waugh is this very modernistic idea that it's a kind of chaotic world, and that's pretty frightening.
Reading this article prompted me to visit, for the first time, Fry's official website, wherein I learned that the book I know and love as Revenge is called The Star's Tennis Balls over in the UK. And I see elsewhere that he's getting ready to turn it into a movie, too... Neat.
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