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December 08, 2004
Why Don't You Go See a Reading?
by Ron HoganIt's a good thing I've got my holiday recommendations planned out for the next week or so, because The Stewardess Is Flying the Plane, aka The Karen Black Project, is in its final week before it needs to be turned in to the publisher so we can begin to hit the benchmarks en route to on-time publication in October 2005. So don't feel neglected in the wake of my silence...I promise I'll make it up to you when I'm done, and in the meantime I've found plenty of other folks who deserve your attention...
One of the things I wish I had time to do this week is go see the Happy Ending reading, guest hosted this week by David Amsden with a lineup that features Stephen Policoff, Amy Sohn, and Mitch Levenberg.
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