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January 11, 2005

In Three More Months, Look for the NYT Story

by Ron Hogan

Some folks might say that since National Novel Writing Month, or NaNoWriMo, takes place in November, November was a good time to cover the story. Not Sherri Hildebrandt of the Twin Cities Star-Tribune. I don't want to be come off as overly harsh here; after all, it's perfectly reasonable to have waited until NaNoWriMo was done and then check to see if people actually finished their novels. But mid-January could arguably be seen as stretching the sell-by date on this story just a tad...I mean, heck, it's almost time to get out the red pens for National Novel Editing Month.

That said, the only real problem with the article is we find out at the very end that we find out Hildebrandt isn't just a reporter on this one, but a two-time participant. At that point, one really wishes that she'd offered some personal perspective on the experience...and wonders if perhaps some of the more generalized statements in the story are, in fact, not so generalized after all.

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