introducing readers to writers since 1995

March 15, 2005

Can They Get Mike Davis to Blurb It?

by Ron Hogan

Daniel Olivas called my attention to the blog for crime writer Manuel Ramos, where he (Daniel) has announced a new anthology "of short fiction by Latinos/as in which the City of Los Angeles plays an integral role. I am interested in provocative stories on virtually any subject by both established and new writers. Stories may range from social realism to cuentos de fantasma and anything in between. Los Angeles may be a major 'character' or merely lurking in the background. I'd like to see characters who represent diverse backgrounds in terms of ethnicity, profession, age, sexual orientation, etc."

If you've got something like that in the 500- to 5,000-word range, or can get it together by September 1st, you can email your submission to Daniel as a Word attachment; be sure to tell him "your contact information, list of previous publications (if any), and the ethnicity(ies) with which you identify."

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