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May 06, 2005

Author2Author: Lynn Messina & Kyra Davis, pt. 4

by Ron Hogan

Thanks to Kyra Davis and Lynn Messina for their willingness to talk to each other (and be sure to see how their conversation ends over the weekend) about Mim Warner's Lost Her Cool and Sex, Murder, and a Double Latte. I hope you've enjoyed their talk as well--look for another Author2Author soon!

messina.jpgLynn Messina: At one point, your heroine, Sophie, after getting into a fight with a pompous jerk who steals the last New York Times from under her nose at a Starbucks, thinks, "That's it, he was on the list. In my next book I would be sure that the first murder victim would be a dark-haired New York tourist and the police would find him bludgeoned to death in an alley behind a Starbucks with a New York Times shoved up his ass." So: Do you have a list?

kyradavis.jpgKyra Davis: You know, my former mother-in-law asked me the same question.

While it is true that my desire to get a divorce inspired my decision to write about murder, I've never actually compiled a list of people to kill with the stroke of my pen. However I do keep a slightly different kind of list. I think as individuals we have a tendency to attract certain kinds of people. I have a wonderful group of friends but when it comes to romantic relationships I seem to attract highly intelligent incredibly insane men. I'm talking you-really-need-meds kind of insane. It used to be that when I stumbled upon a man's psychosis in the middle of a date (like the guy who was importing iguanas so he could make Iguana-Jerky) I would question why God was testing me. Now I understand that it’s just His way of providing me with good material. So I do keep track of these kinds of quirks and use them in my writing.

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