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May 17, 2005

The David Irving Fan Club Hits Amazon

by Ron Hogan

Richard Eoin Nash of Soft Skull passes along the info that one of the imprint's recent titles, a criticism of racial privilege called White Like Me, has come under fire from "customers" who suggest the book is "a slur against all White Euro-Americans," adding that author Tim Wise "knows nothing about being White" on account of being a "jew."

Personally, I always find it telling when the self-styled champions of their race can't put together a simple paragraph without misspelling a few words and screwing up their grammar, but that's not why I'm passing along Wise's suggestion that you (a) vote for the reviews as being unhelpful, (b) report them to Amazon as inappropriate, and (c) say nice things about the book if you've read it and liked it. I'm doing it because I despise what these chumps stand for even more than I despise their inability to articulate it properly. Unfortunately, to do even (a) and (b), you apparently have to be registered with Amazon now, but I assume many of you already are.

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